Quantic UTC designs and manufactures specialized, high-reliability multi-layer ceramic chip capacitors (MLCCs) and leaded MLC devices for the defense, telecom, and industrial markets. Since 1991 we’ve prided ourselves on our ability to design to your requirements, customizing the product to your specific mission. Fast turnaround with no compromise in quality is central to our commitment to your success. We’re proud our products measure up to the strictest MIL-STD catalog ratings.
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[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"请求成功\",\"data\":{\"categories\":[{\"id\":3,\"parent_id\":0,\"name\":\"Capacitors\",\"slug_name\":\"capacitors\",\"description\":\"Capacitor products, also known as \\\"condensers\\\", are generally named and organized in reference to the dielectric material incorporated within. Along with variations in construction methods, the choice of dielectric material has strong influence on a given device's relative cost, size, parametric stability, and suitability for a particula (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.066246 secs]
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"请求成功\",\"data\":[{\"id\":122,\"platform\":\"DK\",\"name\":\"Xilinx (AMD)\",\"slug_name\":\"XILINX-AMD\",\"index\":\"X\",\"logo\":\"http://oss.icku.net/icku/brand/1724653126.png\",\"homepage\":\"http://www.xilinx.com/\",\"description\":\"AMD is a leading provider of All Programmable FPGAs, SoCs, MPSoCs, and 3D ICs. AMD uniquely enables applications that are both software defined and hardware optimized – powering industry advancements in Cloud Computing, 5G Wireless, Embed (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.348234 secs]