Good-Ark Semiconductor is a leading global discrete semiconductor manufacturer that offers a wide variety of surface mount, through-hole and wafer devices with superior quality and reliability at competitive costs. Good-Ark Semiconductors product portfolio includes Diodes, Rectifiers, TVS, Transistors, ESD TVS and MOSFETs.
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"请求成功\",\"data\":{\"categories\":[{\"id\":19,\"parent_id\":0,\"name\":\"Discrete Semiconductor Products\",\"slug_name\":\"discrete-semiconductor-products\",\"description\":\"Discrete semiconductor products include individual transistors, diodes, and thyristors, as well as small arrays of such composed of two, three, four, or some other small number of similar devices within a single package. They are most commonly used for constructing circuits with considerable voltage o (truncated) ... [elapsed: 1.445547 secs]