ABC Taiwan Electronics is a leader in manufacturing quality inductors and transformers, specializing in electromagnetic components for industries such as telecom, industrial controls, automotive, and more.
[API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"请求成功\",\"data\":{\"categories\":[{\"id\":4,\"parent_id\":0,\"name\":\"Inductors, Coils, Chokes\",\"slug_name\":\"inductors-coils-chokes\",\"description\":\"Inductors, coils, and chokes are various names used to refer to products that store energy in the form of a magnetic field. The vast majority of the products found in this category are simple fixed-value devices, though adjustable types, products for wireless power transmission, and magnetically-coupled inductor array (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.504209 secs]